4.3.9.Final and 4.2.19.Final were released 15/Apr/2015.

4.2.18.Final was actually released 28/Jan/2015. At the time of that release there were problems with in.relation.to. Unfortunately, after those issues were resolved, the announcement for 4.2.18.Final fell through the cracks, so I am covering that release here as well.

4.2.18.Final and 4.2.19.Final fixes several regressions. Those fixes were also included in 4.3.9.Final.

4.3.9.Final includes mainly bugfixes with some improvements:

  • improved support for AttributeConverters (backported from 5.0.0.Beta1);
  • EntityGraph bugfixes;
  • fixes for load plan bugs that caused problems with CompositeCustomType IDs, embeddable @MapKey, maps containing embeddable keys;
  • fix for a classloading bug that affects Hibernate under GlassFish 4.0 HHH-9446 that was introduced by in 4.3.6 by HHH-8818; by setting an environment variable, Hibernate reverts to pre-HHH-8818 behavior;
  • fix for Envers to work with dynamic (non-POJO) entities.

JBoss Nexus: https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public/org/hibernate
Maven Central: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/hibernate/hibernate-core (should update in a couple of days)

SourceForge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hibernate/files/hibernate4
4.3.9.Final Downloads: 4.3.9.Final ZIP, 4.3.9.Final TGZ
4.2.18.Final Downloads: 4.2.18.Final ZIP, 4.2.18.Final TGZ
4.2.19.Final Downloads: 4.2.19.Final ZIP, 4.2.19.Final TGZ

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