The Hibernate team is proud to announce the first candidate release for 5.0. The main changes since the Beta2 release include:

  • Initial generic typing for Hibernate native (Session, e.g.) APIs
  • Continued development of the new bytecode enhancement capabilities including improved support in the Maven and Gradle plugins
  • Support for parameterized types with AttributeConverter implementations
  • Improved OSGi integration testing using Pax Exam and Karaf, and publishing a hibernate-osgi Karaf features file
  • Auto quoting of keywords used as identifiers (User, e.g.).
  • Incorporating fixes, improvements and suggestions to the improved schema update and validation tooling

A lot of help from the community went into this release and the previous Beta releases. Thanks for all the help and work and testing and doggedness!

As always, see for information on obtaining the releases.

Report any issues to Hibernate Jira

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